Sunday, November 22, 2009

What should go in order to push a man to marry

This article was written for those girls and women who come to consult a psychologist with the following question: "What do I do with him, we encounter so much time (or - we live together), but it does not make me an offer!"


First of all, consider whether or not to bind your life with this particular man. Quite often girls and women in choosing a partner from the point of view: "It happened, and do not take into account the fact that this is a very important step. Help you determine such a simple procedure.

Take a sheet of paper and write a list: "What are the qualities I want in my husband? (Basic 10-15 points).

Then for each item check "plus" or "minus" all the qualities they are present in this man or not.

If the pros will be 80% or higher, then this is the man.
If less - then the game is not worth the candle, you are to him sooner or later will become cold, it will not suit you, and the relationships still fall apart. In this case, it is better to let him go now and go out and find someone who will match the ideal.

Remove emotional dependence on men

Its symptoms are as follows: "I can not leave him, I can not get along without him, I suffer from his love." Your condition must be: "If these relations will not suit me, then I can leave at any moment. I am completely free, and attractive enough to get to itself a dozen - another fan, if the need arises."

If you can not live without this man, and he without you - can (and can be very well may), then he will manage the situation, not you. As a result, it is he will realize their wishes, and not you. Need to feel free and act accordingly.

Create the ground for proposals hands and hearts

Answer the following questions:

Both of you well when you are together?
You tell each other about everything?
Do you have common interests, hobbies?
You harmony in bed?
He thinks you best friend?
Do you have general plans for the future?
If the answer to all questions is yes, then we can make plans to start a family, including civil marriage.
If not, then on that still need to work to develop relations in this direction.

Next steps

If you were able to successfully fulfill all three conditions, then the man is ready to make a family. He is well with you, he values your relationship, he plans to later life with you. The maximum that remains to be done - it is a little push. And how to do it - tells intuition (and if not prompt, you can read the popular literature for women, it describes a lot of ways).

P.S. How important is the stamp in the passport?

In modern law in our country, civil marriage, that is, cohabitation and common household, so the same laws as formalized. At its dissolution woman, like man, may claim and the division of property, and children. Therefore, to insist on registration relationship in the registry office is not always the best choice.

Usually, it's still not in the die, and in self-doubt, or in your partner. In this case, better to turn to a psychologist for individual counseling (and one can, but better with a man).

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