Your baby is already big, but to be friends with a pacifier does not stop. Well, right, because all babies are very well developed sucking reflex. Newborn, they begin to poke fingers in his mouth and sweet they suck. The most delicious - the big finger. Why? Yes, probably because it most convenient to take by mouth. So that the child did not go all the time with her fingers in his hands - came up with a pacifier. Think up of something, but it is now something to wean from the bottle
Not so long ago, the easiest way to get rid of the nipples was believed - spread butter on a pacifier than anything not tasty. Naturally, a child from not liking the taste, her cast.
But that was before ... After the study found that such means of escape from the bottle - a lot of stress for the child. Because of the slightest of hysteria, there is a stressful situation, which is further bad effect on other organs of the baby.
How to select the bottle and smear it with anything - enjoy a game with the child. At least hysterics - show funny face, distract toys - in general, do everything to make baby forget about nipples.
Here are some tips to help your child quickly forgotten what the nipple:
Serve baby (7-8 months) eating and drinking only with cups. Let gradually learns to drink from cups and eat with a spoon. Thus, it is much quicker to forget that this bottle and that is the nipple.
How would the child did not require her sucking each other - in any case, do not give it to him. Distractions, go for a walk, read a fairy tale.
In a situation where the baby will find a replacement nipple - the finger - did not satisfy him in this. Keep the baby has always been in the hands of toys. First, there will be time to invest in the mouth, secondly, fingers, thanks to toys, will evolve.
There were times during the walk, the parents asked to give their baby a pacifier first comer child. Child with the joy of consented and gave, but then began to recall the teats. In his questions, one answer: "because it gave you" - the baby calmed down, put up with what is happening and the nipple is no longer remembered.
You can go along with the baby in the garden or the woods and begin to drip nipple. In the next issue of the baby: "Where is the nipple" - recalls that done. Promises of "soon grow a tree from the nipples, then take away" - an effect clear. After some time, baby forget about nipples.
If you have not helped our advice - think of a way. Most importantly, do not despair and do not panic, along with the baby. Give it their full attention and care. As time passes and the baby will understand that his mother was a million times better some nipples.
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Sunday, November 22, 2009
What should go in order to push a man to marry
This article was written for those girls and women who come to consult a psychologist with the following question: "What do I do with him, we encounter so much time (or - we live together), but it does not make me an offer!"
First of all, consider whether or not to bind your life with this particular man. Quite often girls and women in choosing a partner from the point of view: "It happened, and do not take into account the fact that this is a very important step. Help you determine such a simple procedure.
Take a sheet of paper and write a list: "What are the qualities I want in my husband? (Basic 10-15 points).
Then for each item check "plus" or "minus" all the qualities they are present in this man or not.
If the pros will be 80% or higher, then this is the man.
If less - then the game is not worth the candle, you are to him sooner or later will become cold, it will not suit you, and the relationships still fall apart. In this case, it is better to let him go now and go out and find someone who will match the ideal.
Remove emotional dependence on men
Its symptoms are as follows: "I can not leave him, I can not get along without him, I suffer from his love." Your condition must be: "If these relations will not suit me, then I can leave at any moment. I am completely free, and attractive enough to get to itself a dozen - another fan, if the need arises."
If you can not live without this man, and he without you - can (and can be very well may), then he will manage the situation, not you. As a result, it is he will realize their wishes, and not you. Need to feel free and act accordingly.
Create the ground for proposals hands and hearts
Answer the following questions:
Both of you well when you are together?
You tell each other about everything?
Do you have common interests, hobbies?
You harmony in bed?
He thinks you best friend?
Do you have general plans for the future?
If the answer to all questions is yes, then we can make plans to start a family, including civil marriage.
If not, then on that still need to work to develop relations in this direction.
Next steps
If you were able to successfully fulfill all three conditions, then the man is ready to make a family. He is well with you, he values your relationship, he plans to later life with you. The maximum that remains to be done - it is a little push. And how to do it - tells intuition (and if not prompt, you can read the popular literature for women, it describes a lot of ways).
P.S. How important is the stamp in the passport?
In modern law in our country, civil marriage, that is, cohabitation and common household, so the same laws as formalized. At its dissolution woman, like man, may claim and the division of property, and children. Therefore, to insist on registration relationship in the registry office is not always the best choice.
Usually, it's still not in the die, and in self-doubt, or in your partner. In this case, better to turn to a psychologist for individual counseling (and one can, but better with a man).
First of all, consider whether or not to bind your life with this particular man. Quite often girls and women in choosing a partner from the point of view: "It happened, and do not take into account the fact that this is a very important step. Help you determine such a simple procedure.
Take a sheet of paper and write a list: "What are the qualities I want in my husband? (Basic 10-15 points).
Then for each item check "plus" or "minus" all the qualities they are present in this man or not.
If the pros will be 80% or higher, then this is the man.
If less - then the game is not worth the candle, you are to him sooner or later will become cold, it will not suit you, and the relationships still fall apart. In this case, it is better to let him go now and go out and find someone who will match the ideal.
Remove emotional dependence on men
Its symptoms are as follows: "I can not leave him, I can not get along without him, I suffer from his love." Your condition must be: "If these relations will not suit me, then I can leave at any moment. I am completely free, and attractive enough to get to itself a dozen - another fan, if the need arises."
If you can not live without this man, and he without you - can (and can be very well may), then he will manage the situation, not you. As a result, it is he will realize their wishes, and not you. Need to feel free and act accordingly.
Create the ground for proposals hands and hearts
Answer the following questions:
Both of you well when you are together?
You tell each other about everything?
Do you have common interests, hobbies?
You harmony in bed?
He thinks you best friend?
Do you have general plans for the future?
If the answer to all questions is yes, then we can make plans to start a family, including civil marriage.
If not, then on that still need to work to develop relations in this direction.
Next steps
If you were able to successfully fulfill all three conditions, then the man is ready to make a family. He is well with you, he values your relationship, he plans to later life with you. The maximum that remains to be done - it is a little push. And how to do it - tells intuition (and if not prompt, you can read the popular literature for women, it describes a lot of ways).
P.S. How important is the stamp in the passport?
In modern law in our country, civil marriage, that is, cohabitation and common household, so the same laws as formalized. At its dissolution woman, like man, may claim and the division of property, and children. Therefore, to insist on registration relationship in the registry office is not always the best choice.
Usually, it's still not in the die, and in self-doubt, or in your partner. In this case, better to turn to a psychologist for individual counseling (and one can, but better with a man).
12 characters speak about treason favorite
Although adultery, as well as to tango, needs two people and women, frankly, are not innocent lambs who were lured to cleverly nets, often it is men who tend to polygamy.
A matter of trust - one of the most important in the relationship. At the moment when you realize that you change, you feel as if a person suddenly flew basketball ball. It is very painful. But suddenly you're wrong? And it is actually quite different? How can I check?
There are some obvious signs that he had started an affair. And, if clearly and dispassionately analyze the behavior of his favorite and only then discover they will be fairly simple. So:
1. He was cautious, nervous, if your hand gets his mobile phone;
2. He was delayed at work, but it can not and will not clearly explain what exactly he was there so late deals;
3. He suddenly began to show increased interest in the new perfume and scents;
4. He abruptly began to worry about how it looks. Spend more time at the mirror, a genuine interest in clothes, is slipped up in the gym - all in order to get a better look;
5. It controls the order in the car. If a family has children - removes the first opportunity a child seat and all traces of the baby in the cabin;
6. He "forgets" to wear a wedding ring;
7. He wondered about the strange calls in the apartment. When you come up - in the tube could only hear short beeps;
8. He becomes unusually solicitous (can give flowers and gifts - and just like that, without apparent reason). In general, there is a sign of guilt;
9. He constantly receives orders from superiors to go somewhere, including a trip to another city;
10. His clothes from time to time women's perfume smells. And this is not your perfume;
11. His body appeared suspicious traces, and he gives the country an explanation about their origin. And you just know that this is not your handiwork;
12. He behaves differently in bed. Options may be several: a strong sexual appetite increased, or, conversely, went down to nothing, or it is hard to test new technology offers.
From time to time our sense of confidence is being tested, but to determine whether or not you change, it is very difficult. Say what you like, but judging from the statistics, more than half of all men at least once, but change. However, this circumstance suggests that there are millions of men who have never changed and did not want to do this in the future.
But what if you are clear indications that from you have something to hide, and suggest themselves to the eye? One characteristic of our entire list, of course, enough to start to worry. However, if the man's behavior corresponds to 5 or 6 of them ... Well, time to reflect and find out eventually that hide from you! The main thing - do not ignore this problem and hope that all will end by itself. At stake - your future and credibility of the man who was near.
Psychologists believe that men are changing, because:
A) looking for a new experience in sex
B) want more sex
B) looking for diversity in sex
In women, the list of reasons for the betrayal of several diverse, but that does not mean that cheating men is simple and easy to understand. Studies have shown that in the first place the new link on the side of the mean for men to "new" sex. But often this is a way to be "more flexible" in relations with a steady partner, and an attempt to re-experience the feeling of youth, and sometimes an escape from boring unsuccessful marriage.
For some men, the novels on the side - an opportunity to distance himself from his permanent partner, a certain way to avoid "excessive" proximity. Not sinking too deeply into the feelings and avoiding a full-fledged emotional closeness, they believe that retain their freedom. "Dependence" scares them. This type of men is also very avoids conflict.
There are men who they go to the winds, becoming older. Fear of age - that's what makes them change. They understand that they will never become young and fresh and an affair with someone "new and young" gives them a sense of his own youth. Though not for long.
Biologists believe that the blame ancient instincts. But, judging by the fact that more women are also changing, we can assume that before they stopped only public opinion.
Infidelity are different. This may be just one night, and may last for years. But they are destructive to the marriage. Although treason itself does not mean that everything has come to an end and it's time to put the point in relations, the causes of this event often need to look for it in the family. Many women believe that their rival has to be younger, more attractive and better than they. But not always it turns out to be true. If an existing alliance of roads you - draw conclusions and try to save him.
A matter of trust - one of the most important in the relationship. At the moment when you realize that you change, you feel as if a person suddenly flew basketball ball. It is very painful. But suddenly you're wrong? And it is actually quite different? How can I check?
There are some obvious signs that he had started an affair. And, if clearly and dispassionately analyze the behavior of his favorite and only then discover they will be fairly simple. So:
1. He was cautious, nervous, if your hand gets his mobile phone;
2. He was delayed at work, but it can not and will not clearly explain what exactly he was there so late deals;
3. He suddenly began to show increased interest in the new perfume and scents;
4. He abruptly began to worry about how it looks. Spend more time at the mirror, a genuine interest in clothes, is slipped up in the gym - all in order to get a better look;
5. It controls the order in the car. If a family has children - removes the first opportunity a child seat and all traces of the baby in the cabin;
6. He "forgets" to wear a wedding ring;
7. He wondered about the strange calls in the apartment. When you come up - in the tube could only hear short beeps;
8. He becomes unusually solicitous (can give flowers and gifts - and just like that, without apparent reason). In general, there is a sign of guilt;
9. He constantly receives orders from superiors to go somewhere, including a trip to another city;
10. His clothes from time to time women's perfume smells. And this is not your perfume;
11. His body appeared suspicious traces, and he gives the country an explanation about their origin. And you just know that this is not your handiwork;
12. He behaves differently in bed. Options may be several: a strong sexual appetite increased, or, conversely, went down to nothing, or it is hard to test new technology offers.
From time to time our sense of confidence is being tested, but to determine whether or not you change, it is very difficult. Say what you like, but judging from the statistics, more than half of all men at least once, but change. However, this circumstance suggests that there are millions of men who have never changed and did not want to do this in the future.
But what if you are clear indications that from you have something to hide, and suggest themselves to the eye? One characteristic of our entire list, of course, enough to start to worry. However, if the man's behavior corresponds to 5 or 6 of them ... Well, time to reflect and find out eventually that hide from you! The main thing - do not ignore this problem and hope that all will end by itself. At stake - your future and credibility of the man who was near.
Psychologists believe that men are changing, because:
A) looking for a new experience in sex
B) want more sex
B) looking for diversity in sex
In women, the list of reasons for the betrayal of several diverse, but that does not mean that cheating men is simple and easy to understand. Studies have shown that in the first place the new link on the side of the mean for men to "new" sex. But often this is a way to be "more flexible" in relations with a steady partner, and an attempt to re-experience the feeling of youth, and sometimes an escape from boring unsuccessful marriage.
For some men, the novels on the side - an opportunity to distance himself from his permanent partner, a certain way to avoid "excessive" proximity. Not sinking too deeply into the feelings and avoiding a full-fledged emotional closeness, they believe that retain their freedom. "Dependence" scares them. This type of men is also very avoids conflict.
There are men who they go to the winds, becoming older. Fear of age - that's what makes them change. They understand that they will never become young and fresh and an affair with someone "new and young" gives them a sense of his own youth. Though not for long.
Biologists believe that the blame ancient instincts. But, judging by the fact that more women are also changing, we can assume that before they stopped only public opinion.
Infidelity are different. This may be just one night, and may last for years. But they are destructive to the marriage. Although treason itself does not mean that everything has come to an end and it's time to put the point in relations, the causes of this event often need to look for it in the family. Many women believe that their rival has to be younger, more attractive and better than they. But not always it turns out to be true. If an existing alliance of roads you - draw conclusions and try to save him.
18 ways to reach the top sex
Finally, call a few sexual tricks that you can use this evening to start his way to the top of sex. I wish you luck and love.
1. Go along and buy some cool magazines and sex videos. Take them to the bedroom. Rate each of them and see what excites you stronger than others.
2. Undress and slowly, one by one, body massage each other, using slightly aromatizi-ried oil. Pay special attention to the genitals partner.
3. Slowly masturbate together for three minutes, and then help each other to masturbate for three minutes, then again themselves, and so watch carefully how your partner makes me happy and learn.
4. Role between oral sex (for three minutes, then change). Give your partner what you like oral pleasure more than anything.
5. Buy together a few sex toys - at least two each. Use them in sex and see what experience they deliver to you.
6. Share their fantasies, play the ones that you attract and excite.
7. Lie down beside and train their "sex muscles" as much as possible and rhythmically. Women may try to push the vibrator out of the vagina, then insert it again, or to ask about this partner.
8. Put the other erotic clothing, in which you wish to see your partner.
9. Serve in the mornings each other in turn. All morning the servant should remain naked and ensure that all sexual and other services to his master or mistress. No failures!
10. Masturbate together as quickly as possible, to orgasm. Then see if you can bring each other orgasm even faster.
11. Take tonight, love anywhere, except the bedroom.
12. Tonight, take a bath together and carefully wash each other, wash your partner's hair, and then sbreyte each other pubic hair.
13. Think genitals to each other through the flowing water and caress their toes.
14. Make love as slowly as possible. You have eternity ahead.
15. Make your partner something sexual, of what you have never done before (even if you can never repeat it). How about an easy drubbing? Polite submissiveness? Try to tolerate something that would not have tolerated earlier.
16. Begin sexual diaries - in solitary confinement - and the end of the honeymoon compare records. Remember to be absolutely honest, notes and successes and defeats.
17. Decide for yourself never hide from your partner's erotic fantasies.
18. Decide that you and your partner will fully use their sexual repertoire, and you'll reach the top sex whenever love one another.
1. Go along and buy some cool magazines and sex videos. Take them to the bedroom. Rate each of them and see what excites you stronger than others.
2. Undress and slowly, one by one, body massage each other, using slightly aromatizi-ried oil. Pay special attention to the genitals partner.
3. Slowly masturbate together for three minutes, and then help each other to masturbate for three minutes, then again themselves, and so watch carefully how your partner makes me happy and learn.
4. Role between oral sex (for three minutes, then change). Give your partner what you like oral pleasure more than anything.
5. Buy together a few sex toys - at least two each. Use them in sex and see what experience they deliver to you.
6. Share their fantasies, play the ones that you attract and excite.
7. Lie down beside and train their "sex muscles" as much as possible and rhythmically. Women may try to push the vibrator out of the vagina, then insert it again, or to ask about this partner.
8. Put the other erotic clothing, in which you wish to see your partner.
9. Serve in the mornings each other in turn. All morning the servant should remain naked and ensure that all sexual and other services to his master or mistress. No failures!
10. Masturbate together as quickly as possible, to orgasm. Then see if you can bring each other orgasm even faster.
11. Take tonight, love anywhere, except the bedroom.
12. Tonight, take a bath together and carefully wash each other, wash your partner's hair, and then sbreyte each other pubic hair.
13. Think genitals to each other through the flowing water and caress their toes.
14. Make love as slowly as possible. You have eternity ahead.
15. Make your partner something sexual, of what you have never done before (even if you can never repeat it). How about an easy drubbing? Polite submissiveness? Try to tolerate something that would not have tolerated earlier.
16. Begin sexual diaries - in solitary confinement - and the end of the honeymoon compare records. Remember to be absolutely honest, notes and successes and defeats.
17. Decide for yourself never hide from your partner's erotic fantasies.
18. Decide that you and your partner will fully use their sexual repertoire, and you'll reach the top sex whenever love one another.
Friday, September 18, 2009
If a child sucks finger
Sucking on a child of the thumb is usually concerned parents. Do I have to deal with this habit and how to do it? Do not hurt if thumb-sucking baby teeth?
Babies love to suck. Some children suck his fingers, while still in the womb. Typically, this habit is in 6-7 months, but sometimes the need for sucking persists in later life. This does not mean that your child has any problems with the psyche.
A worrisome sign of thumb-sucking is only a child older than 6 years, since at this time, it affects the development of teeth and oral cavity. If sucking hampers the growth of teeth, you should pay attention to it and at an earlier age.
The habit of sucking fingers disappear as they grow older child. For students who continue to suck his fingers, begin to exert pressure surrounding. Children stop sucking his fingers, as they tease peers, siblings or other relatives.
The best way to get rid of the problem - for the time being to ignore it. It is impossible to tease and punish the child, it will only exacerbate the situation.
Children older than 3 years often suck his finger out of boredom. In this case, try to divert the attention of the child with toys. You can praise or reward the child for the fact that he does not suck a finger or a pacifier, but do not punish the baby, when he began sucking on his finger. Try to think of it as a given.
If these measures do not help, consult with a pediatrician and use a special stall, limiting the possibility of sucking.
At the same time try to reduce the amount of stress in the child's life. Some children suck the finger when they are upset about something. If a child is experiencing stress at school, talk about it with teachers.
Rx Hawaii
Babies love to suck. Some children suck his fingers, while still in the womb. Typically, this habit is in 6-7 months, but sometimes the need for sucking persists in later life. This does not mean that your child has any problems with the psyche.
A worrisome sign of thumb-sucking is only a child older than 6 years, since at this time, it affects the development of teeth and oral cavity. If sucking hampers the growth of teeth, you should pay attention to it and at an earlier age.
The habit of sucking fingers disappear as they grow older child. For students who continue to suck his fingers, begin to exert pressure surrounding. Children stop sucking his fingers, as they tease peers, siblings or other relatives.
The best way to get rid of the problem - for the time being to ignore it. It is impossible to tease and punish the child, it will only exacerbate the situation.
Children older than 3 years often suck his finger out of boredom. In this case, try to divert the attention of the child with toys. You can praise or reward the child for the fact that he does not suck a finger or a pacifier, but do not punish the baby, when he began sucking on his finger. Try to think of it as a given.
If these measures do not help, consult with a pediatrician and use a special stall, limiting the possibility of sucking.
At the same time try to reduce the amount of stress in the child's life. Some children suck the finger when they are upset about something. If a child is experiencing stress at school, talk about it with teachers.
Rx Hawaii
The radiant smile, or how to take care of children teeth
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First tooth eruption - one of the most memorable events connected with the infants age. Dear toothless mouth from now on in the past. Child becomes older, and the attractiveness of his smile requires more care.
The importance of milk teeth
The first milk teeth usually erupt between 6 and 12 months. Usually the first to arrive upper and lower incisors. Later they were replaced by permanent teeth come, but care needed and for the milk teeth, because they want the child to chew and speak. That baby teeth are the basis for future permanent teeth.
Useful habits learned by children
To initiate necessary as soon as possible. As soon as possible, begin brushing your child's teeth at least once a day. This can be done with a soft cloth, a special children's toothbrush and boiled water. Toothpaste you will not need before 2 years of age. Only in this age is recommended to take small amounts of toothpaste with fluoride.
A child should not fall asleep with a bottle of the mixture, milk or juice in the mouth. Sweet liquid remaining in the mouth, contributes to the formation of acid and the development of caries.
Visits to the pediatric dentist
First visit to a pediatric dentist should take place in 12 months. Children and parents usually get nervous in that situation. Specialists involved in treating children, soon will be able to find the right approach, and children's dental offices are decorated differently than classrooms designed for adult admission.
The dentist inspects your teeth and gums of the child. He will answer all questions relating to the care of teeth, and talk about preventive measures, which may require a baby. Depending on the content of fluorine in drinking water, intake of fluorine-containing drugs may be appointed as early as age 6 months.
Proper nutrition
A bottle with a mixture of falling asleep - not the only thing that can cause tooth decay in young children. The risk also are too sweet and industrially produced food. The child is better snacking on fruit and vegetables, rather than cakes and biscuits.
Care just a few teeth cutting through some of it seems unnecessary, but the sooner you start to do it, the better. Regular visits to the dentist at an early age will help your child not to be afraid of dental treatment in the future. Baby will be ready for such visits and will not resist.
Proper care for the child's teeth will help keep them healthy and shiny. And this in itself gives reason to smile once again ...
Rx Nebraska
First tooth eruption - one of the most memorable events connected with the infants age. Dear toothless mouth from now on in the past. Child becomes older, and the attractiveness of his smile requires more care.
The importance of milk teeth
The first milk teeth usually erupt between 6 and 12 months. Usually the first to arrive upper and lower incisors. Later they were replaced by permanent teeth come, but care needed and for the milk teeth, because they want the child to chew and speak. That baby teeth are the basis for future permanent teeth.
Useful habits learned by children
To initiate necessary as soon as possible. As soon as possible, begin brushing your child's teeth at least once a day. This can be done with a soft cloth, a special children's toothbrush and boiled water. Toothpaste you will not need before 2 years of age. Only in this age is recommended to take small amounts of toothpaste with fluoride.
A child should not fall asleep with a bottle of the mixture, milk or juice in the mouth. Sweet liquid remaining in the mouth, contributes to the formation of acid and the development of caries.
Visits to the pediatric dentist
First visit to a pediatric dentist should take place in 12 months. Children and parents usually get nervous in that situation. Specialists involved in treating children, soon will be able to find the right approach, and children's dental offices are decorated differently than classrooms designed for adult admission.
The dentist inspects your teeth and gums of the child. He will answer all questions relating to the care of teeth, and talk about preventive measures, which may require a baby. Depending on the content of fluorine in drinking water, intake of fluorine-containing drugs may be appointed as early as age 6 months.
Proper nutrition
A bottle with a mixture of falling asleep - not the only thing that can cause tooth decay in young children. The risk also are too sweet and industrially produced food. The child is better snacking on fruit and vegetables, rather than cakes and biscuits.
Care just a few teeth cutting through some of it seems unnecessary, but the sooner you start to do it, the better. Regular visits to the dentist at an early age will help your child not to be afraid of dental treatment in the future. Baby will be ready for such visits and will not resist.
Proper care for the child's teeth will help keep them healthy and shiny. And this in itself gives reason to smile once again ...
Rx Nebraska
Manual feeding
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All pediatricians believe that the first six months of life is best to feed the child breast milk. If this is impossible, the alternative is to bottle-feeding. The next stage - the introduction of solid foods, or foods. Pediatricians recommend starting with the fact that it is easy to digest, and gradually offer products of different tastes and textures.
From birth to 6 months
Except in special circumstances and special requirements of a doctor for a child only needs:
* Breast milk - is the best food for newborns.
* Powdered infant formula or a mixture of soy-based. If breast milk is not enough, a pediatrician will advise the mixture with the addition of vitamins and / or iron.
Infants from 6 to 12 months
The first solid food that pediatricians recommend giving a child - a rice porridge. Croup containing gluten, at this age should be avoided. After the rice porridge, you can add to the diet of baby mashed or pureed vegetables, yellow and orange, for example, carrots - are most easily digested vegetables. Then you can enter puree of green vegetables. Next comes the turn of fruits, such as mashed fully ripe apples or bananas. New foods should be introduced gradually, no more than one new dish in 5 days, then the probability of allergic reactions in children decreased.
Children from 6 to 12 months should not be given:
* Chocolates - highly allergenic product, should not be given to children up to one year.
* Honey - can contain bacteria that cause botulism and threaten the life of the child. Honey should not be given to children up to one year.
* Oranges, grapefruits and other citrus - very often cause allergic reactions. Before giving their child, consult with your doctor.
* Egg whites. Already at 8-9 months, the child can give the yolk, if it is cooked hard-boiled or cooked in the form of gossip. As for protein, it can cause allergies, and it should not be given to children up to one year.
* Peanuts and peanut butter - highly allergenic products. Do not give them to children under 3 years.
* Wheat and products from it should give the child only once in his diet will rice, oats and barley porridge. Wheat can cause allergies, so you should not enter it until 6-8 months.
* Whole milk. In the first year of life is recommended to feed the baby breast milk or special feeds. Cow's milk has been shown, makes the child more prone to allergic reactions.
Children from 1 year to 2 years
The child becomes more curious and wants to try more new foods. At this age also need to beware of products that cause allergies, but in addition make sure that the child did not take food by mouth, which can choke.
For children from 1 year to 2 years old do not fit:
* Carrot - A child can easily choke on raw carrots, so it must be finely grate or cook until soft.
* Grapes - An entire grape baby may also choke on, so the berries must be cut into several pieces.
* Skim milk - for children under 2 years of fats found in whole milk, very useful, so let's skim milk at this age should not be.
* Sweets - Many hard candy, candy, nuts and popcorn to correspond approximately to the size of the larynx of the child, so be very careful when offering them to my baby.
* Cheese in the form of string. Giving his children can only be crushed.
Children from 2 to 3 years
The child can still choke on food, so you should avoid the following products:
* Grapes - An entire grape baby can choke on, so the berries must be cut into several pieces before giving to children.
* Sweets - Many hard candy, candy, nuts and popcorn to correspond approximately to the size of the larynx of the child, so be very careful when offering them to my baby.
Rx Colorado
All pediatricians believe that the first six months of life is best to feed the child breast milk. If this is impossible, the alternative is to bottle-feeding. The next stage - the introduction of solid foods, or foods. Pediatricians recommend starting with the fact that it is easy to digest, and gradually offer products of different tastes and textures.
From birth to 6 months
Except in special circumstances and special requirements of a doctor for a child only needs:
* Breast milk - is the best food for newborns.
* Powdered infant formula or a mixture of soy-based. If breast milk is not enough, a pediatrician will advise the mixture with the addition of vitamins and / or iron.
Infants from 6 to 12 months
The first solid food that pediatricians recommend giving a child - a rice porridge. Croup containing gluten, at this age should be avoided. After the rice porridge, you can add to the diet of baby mashed or pureed vegetables, yellow and orange, for example, carrots - are most easily digested vegetables. Then you can enter puree of green vegetables. Next comes the turn of fruits, such as mashed fully ripe apples or bananas. New foods should be introduced gradually, no more than one new dish in 5 days, then the probability of allergic reactions in children decreased.
Children from 6 to 12 months should not be given:
* Chocolates - highly allergenic product, should not be given to children up to one year.
* Honey - can contain bacteria that cause botulism and threaten the life of the child. Honey should not be given to children up to one year.
* Oranges, grapefruits and other citrus - very often cause allergic reactions. Before giving their child, consult with your doctor.
* Egg whites. Already at 8-9 months, the child can give the yolk, if it is cooked hard-boiled or cooked in the form of gossip. As for protein, it can cause allergies, and it should not be given to children up to one year.
* Peanuts and peanut butter - highly allergenic products. Do not give them to children under 3 years.
* Wheat and products from it should give the child only once in his diet will rice, oats and barley porridge. Wheat can cause allergies, so you should not enter it until 6-8 months.
* Whole milk. In the first year of life is recommended to feed the baby breast milk or special feeds. Cow's milk has been shown, makes the child more prone to allergic reactions.
Children from 1 year to 2 years
The child becomes more curious and wants to try more new foods. At this age also need to beware of products that cause allergies, but in addition make sure that the child did not take food by mouth, which can choke.
For children from 1 year to 2 years old do not fit:
* Carrot - A child can easily choke on raw carrots, so it must be finely grate or cook until soft.
* Grapes - An entire grape baby may also choke on, so the berries must be cut into several pieces.
* Skim milk - for children under 2 years of fats found in whole milk, very useful, so let's skim milk at this age should not be.
* Sweets - Many hard candy, candy, nuts and popcorn to correspond approximately to the size of the larynx of the child, so be very careful when offering them to my baby.
* Cheese in the form of string. Giving his children can only be crushed.
Children from 2 to 3 years
The child can still choke on food, so you should avoid the following products:
* Grapes - An entire grape baby can choke on, so the berries must be cut into several pieces before giving to children.
* Sweets - Many hard candy, candy, nuts and popcorn to correspond approximately to the size of the larynx of the child, so be very careful when offering them to my baby.
Rx Colorado
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