Friday, March 12, 2010


So, go to the bathhouse to the gym! Amazing sound? So we can say with confidence that you still do not know anything about the sauna sport! Appeared this sport back in 1990 in the small Finnish town of Heinola. They first met in "hot bout" representatives of bath sports.

In Russia, "bath-and-sports" seed fell on fertile ground, because bathhouse Russia's people adore, and when you can still compete, so this is all charm.

What is the very essence of bath sports? If you think that defeats the one who faster and cleaner wash, then I assure you - you are wrong. Banny sport is an endurance competition. To participate in the match allowed men and women over 18 years without cardiovascular disease - the vascular system, skin, kidneys, lungs, do not suffer from high blood pressure. Before the competition, each participant is subjected to strict medical examination.

Arena for competition is a glass sauna, in the shape of the hexagon. On the perimeter are shelves for the participants, and in the center - stove. Participants also go to the sauna, are seated on the places that previously determined by drawing lots. On the back of each participant waterproof marker painted his room.

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One of the rules of combat is the presence of athletes in the prescribed form of clothes - men's swimming trunks, women's swimwear. At the same time with him in any case can not take towels, slippers, sheets and caps.

So, the time goes! Every 30 seconds in the heater is fed half a liter of water, the temperature in the sauna increases. Participants should sit with folded hands in her lap. Not move, as it was not hot. I can not pose, go to the sauna, or alert the judge may immediately disqualify "up to mischief" athlete. The maximum temperature in the sauna + 120 degrees Celsius. The only relief is that you can wipe the sweat, while contact with the palm skin over time should not exceed two seconds. Wins in this competition he who for the longest time after sitting in the sauna, the humidity level in which simply huge!

Shocked? But the sport - a sport, how do here without the harsh rules? Not every party to cope with the minimum - ten minutes! Many ran out of the sauna almost immediately and dive into the cool of saving the basin, situated nearby.

And now a few words about the record, not what Aby, and the world! The maximum time "of bath aging" men -22 minutes, the women - 25 minutes (and women still patiently!)

As far as the good folk tradition, "a drink after banechki" - so it is not under any pretext before, not after the race, because the load on the body is not humorous, there is no place in sports alcohol!


You probably already think you finish reading the article and forward to the competition?


The independent activity is dangerous! Major injuries "Banshchikov" are burns of the upper respiratory tract, face, hands, fainting, and even strokes! Be careful and guard your health!

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