Wednesday, February 24, 2010

study of viral markers

The main symptom of chronic hepatitis B is a Cheap Generic Viagra weakness and fatigue that can not be explained by conventional, previously well-tolerated daily loads. This - so-called asthenic syndrome. Sometimes in the upper right Purchase Levitra Sale Online abdomen there is pain or discomfort.

Typically, the diagnostic process is as follows: the appearance of complaints - "appeal to the doctor -> Survey -> diagnosis.

However, chronic viral hepatitis may be asymptomatic, then learn Brand Name Viagra Prescription about the disease can only be based on changes in specific indicators of blood. Therefore, persons with a high probability of infection with hepatitis C virus should actively seek medical advice. This is especially important for those who have an intravenous form of drug dependence. This layer of the Cheap Brand Name Cialis young population, which can be regarded as a reservoir of infection with the threat of disability after an average of 20 years, ie to 40 years!

The diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C is placed on the Generic Levitra Pills basis of the study blood tests.

Biochemical tests. The main feature of hepatitis B is to increase the level of specific liver enzymes: alanine Cialis Drugs Online Pharmacy aminotransferase (ALT), to determine if biochemical analysis of blood. However, the level of ALT does not always correspond to the degree of inflammation of the liver tissue, especially Order Viagra Tablets Online in viral hepatitis C. Then, the patient performed needle biopsy of the liver.

Viral markers. The presence of Tadalafil Sildenafil Vardenafil virus in the body determine the appropriate study of viral markers. It is important not only to identify the virus, but also to determine the shape of its Buy Generic Cialis Online existence, because antiviral treatment the patient is assigned only when the virus is active: in the phase of replication (reproduction). For this purpose special methods for serological and molecular diagnostics, which are Order Brand Levitra Discount currently available practical health care.